Thursday, March 29, 2012


Hello and welcome to the newest “support group” to hit the web.  Our aim is to help you navigate the torrential and often torturous relationship between Mother-In-Law and Daughter-In-Law.

Mother-in-laws can be meddling, manipulative and downright mean.  Some have been known to cause ill-health, one of our daughter-in-laws once broke out in hives at the very prospect of moving in with hers.  Another used to regularly cry in a dark driveway after the birth of her first child.

We promote kindness and sister-hood on our site.  We do not promote competing for “your man” or being nasty to that elusive woman that apparently exists, the kind mother-in-law.

Over the years we have acquired skills in building boundaries, keeping things civil and maintaining a healthy relationship with your partner.  We don’t always succeed but we have some hilarious stories to share along the way.  We hope you can join us.